Registration Terms & Conditions
The following are the Terms and Conditions of the Club, which players and parents agree to when they sign the Registration Form.
We have referred to the Club’s website and read the Club’s policies, rules, regulations, codes of behaviour and guidelines under which the Club operates and agree to be bound by these.
We understand that players who have not paid the registration fee may not be selected to play.
We acknowledge that we understand where the insurance policy held by the Club with respect to medical and like expenses incurred as a result of injuries suffered by the players during the course of training and/or competition does not cover all of the medical and like expenses, any shortfall in the cost of obtaining urgent and/or continuing medical treatment shall be borne by us.
We consent, unless we otherwise advise in writing to the Club, to the use of our child/children’s details including name and also image and likeness, before, during or after the season for promotional, broadcasting or reporting purposes in any media.
In the event that neither a parent nor a guardian is present, we give permission to the Club to attend to any medical or emergency needs for our child/children, and we agree to meet all resulting medical expenses.
We consent to my / our child/children’s contact details be made available to Club officials (i.e., board, committee, coach, team manager).
We acknowledge that football training and games is a contact sport and accordingly hold the Club harmless against all claims of whatsoever nature arising out of any injury, loss or damage suffered as a result of any player participating in any authorised Club training or game.
We agree to reimburse the club for any loss or damage to Club equipment (this includes the playing strip) due to our or our child/children negligence.
We agree to reimburse the Club the cost of any fines imposed by FV, directly incurred by myself / our child/children for any behavioural breaches.
We acknowledge (as players and parents) the “NO DOGS” policy at our venue.